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If you’re a woman in midlife & you’ve been struggling in any way…

Perhaps you’ve felt utterly alone & possibly even crazy, wondering WTF is going on…

We want you to know you’re not alone.
You’re not crazy.

You’re passing through a powerful threshold.

Welcome to 


Real Wisdom from Real Women
About the Midlife Reckoning


17 Wise Women share how midlife shook things up & set them on a different path. Each conversation in this series is a powerful blend of vulnerable storytelling, transformational teaching & wisdom downloads. Tune in to discover how you, too, can tap into more of your own wisdom, power & pleasure during this transformative phase of life.

Featured Wise Women

Midlife F*cking Portal of Truth

Alexis Asbe

The Quing: A Journey to Financial Liberation & Legacy

Ali Katz

Get Real: Time For Honest, Authentic Living

Bernadette Pleasant

Realign Your New Self Inside & Out

Bobby Carroll

On Crossing Into Matured Inner Knowing & Elder Wisdom

Connor Sauer

Midlife Blossoming: Evolutionary Shifts in Feminine Consciousness

Gitanjali Hemp

Love in the 2nd Half of Life

Junie Moon

From Panic to Power: The
Initiation & Rewilding of Menopause

Kendra E Thornbury

Befriending Chiron Return: The Sacred Wound as a Portal to Your Sacred Wisdom

Kristina Wingeier

Befriending The Dark Feminine

Marianah Jade

7 Types of Wise Women Callings Post-Menopause

Mellissa Seaman

Intuition: How to Use It So You Don’t Lose It

Muneeza Ahmed

Arousal, Desire & Pleasure, Oh My!

Naomi Harris

Harnessing Your Voice for Emotional Healing & Spiritual Awakening

Rebecca Abraxas

Menopause: The Great Life Evaluator

Susan Liddy

 Sex, Surrender & Softening

Dr. Saida DĂ©silets

 Waking Up to Your Hidden Powers in Midlife

Megan Walrod

You also receive:

Homecoming Journal

Valued @ $17

Use this digital & downloadable journal full of prompts & inspiring quotes to deepen your experience of the event. Also includes extra pages to take notes for all the different sessions. Helps you track your insights & info all in one place.

Is it time for your own homecoming?

There’s no need to struggle on your own anymore.

Register here.

What Is A Midlife Reckoning?


A reckoning occurs when we’re forced to face something we’ve avoided. And in midlife, we’re faced with the inner narratives & conditioning that have been running our lives that we no longer want to be driven by. 

We're confronted with big questions:

  • Who am I? 
  • Who have I become? 
  • Have I lived on my terms? 
  • Where have I given myself away to try to fit in, please others or avoid conflict?


The midlife reckoning compels us to ask: 

Who am I becoming?

What do I want to create my life to be now? 


Only when we have the courage to answer these questions & shed society’s expectations can we reclaim our power & come home to ourselves.

It's time for my homecoming.

A Personal Note From
Your Host


Hi! I’m Megan Walrod, your host & guide on this adventure.

My midlife reckoning started with a bang - literally! I fell off a galloping horse & fractured two vertebrae. So in addition to navigating hot flashes & increased anxiety brought about by hormonal changes, I was also dealing with a back brace & limited movement - I couldn’t even bend over to tie my own shoes.

When I wasn’t able to work as much, I was confronted with the story that my value was linked to my productivity. The more I unwound from this belief, the more I was able to shed other conditioning that had been running my life, like doubt, people-pleasing & comparison.

The more conditioning I shed, the more I came home to myself: my true self. My wise woman self. My powerful, soft, relaxed-in-my-own skin self.

I’ve seen firsthand how midlife is a crossroads: an initiation into our greater wisdom, personal power, calling & confidence. But I don’t want you to need to fall off a horse to have your own midlife wake-up call! 

Which is why I’m offering Homecoming. The midlife reckoning is REAL & I believe it’s essential to talk about this threshold crossing together. 

This is the way we break free from the aging paradigm that tells us it’s downhill from here.

This is the way we find the courage to do the work of coming home to ourselves - our powerful, authentic, wise selves.

This is the way we source new perspectives & possibilities for how to navigate this threshold so we come through it more empowered & transformed.

Yes, the midlife reckoning is hard. It demands a lot of us. Yet it also offers us one priceless gift: our one wild & precious life.

Invest in Homecoming.

Get support. Get connected. Get inspired.

Come home to yourself.

YES! Sign me up for HOMECOMING.

Who Is Homecoming For?

Homecoming is for you if you’re a woman in midlife. It’s also for you if:

  • You desire to navigate this transition with a greater sense of ease, confidence & meaning.
  • You’re struggling with an identity shift (personal, professional, empty nest). 
  • You're going through peri/menopause.
  • You’re confronting societal expectations about aging & beauty & crave other perspectives for what’s possible.
  • You want to explore what’s possible with sex, sensuality, pleasure & relationships.
  • You’re feeling inspired by life & interested in receiving more insight & support for how to navigate midlife with even more personal power & confidence.  
YES! Sign me up.

About Megan Walrod:

Megan Walrod, Founder of Live Your Yes, LLC, is a Self-Love & Confidence Coach, Podcast Host, Published Author and creator of the 4 Archetypes of the Wild Feminine. She’s dedicated to helping women break free from cultural conditioning & the "good girl" training so they can create a life that lights them up. Her personal journey inspired the “Live Your Yes” philosophy, which is grounded in the belief that when women prioritize their joy, they become more magnetic & create greater success & fulfillment in all areas of their lives. Over the past 15+ years, she’s supported thousands of women to create profitable & purposeful businesses, & authentic, audacious lives. In Megan's world, dark chocolate, skinny-dipping & being barefoot on the earth are always fabulous ideas. 

About Megan Walrod:

Megan Walrod, Founder of Live Your Yes, LLC, is a Self-Love & Confidence Coach, Podcast Host, Published Author and creator of the 4 Archetypes of the Wild Feminine. She’s dedicated to helping women break free from cultural conditioning & the "good girl" training so they can create a life that lights them up. Her personal journey inspired the “Live Your Yes” philosophy, which is grounded in the belief that when women prioritize their joy, they become more magnetic & create greater success & fulfillment in all areas of their lives. Over the past 15+ years, she’s supported thousands of women to create profitable & purposeful businesses, & authentic, audacious lives. In Megan's world, dark chocolate, skinny-dipping & being barefoot on the earth are always fabulous ideas.Â