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Article Writing in 10 Easy Steps Dec 31, 2020
It happens to the best of us…

It’s time to sit down and write an article for your online community. Instead, you get up, refill your mug for the 5th time, wash your...

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|Part 2| Attracting More Clients (The pragmatics + Marie Forleo) Dec 31, 2020

In case you missed Part 1 of my series re. attracting more clients, no worries. Let me sum it up for you:

When you turn up the energetic radio volume on your energy and passion for what...

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|Part 1| Attracting More Clients (The Energetics) Dec 31, 2020

It’s a seductive downward spiral to focus on what we’re against and what we don’t want. So instead, I encourage you to tap into the energies of what you’re a stand...

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4 Questions To Inspire More Yeses From Your Ideal Clients Aug 03, 2019

What questions run through your ideal clients’ minds and hearts as they read your website and sales page?

What do they need to know (and feel) in order to say, “YES” to you?

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How To Capture Clientsā€™ Raving Reviews Oct 31, 2018
Do you collect testimonials from your clients?

A lot of entrepreneurs make the mistake of not collecting them or they don’t know how to capture engaging and captivating...

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The Biggest Copywriting Mistakes (Part 1) Jul 02, 2018
Copywriting is one of the most essential skills you need to be successful.

Yet many women entrepreneurs struggle with this skill. They end...

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On Asking (Part 1) Jun 30, 2018

Have you read, “The Art of Asking,” by Amanda Palmer?

Palmer writes about how it’s such a vulnerable thing to ask and how, when we ask, we open a door to greater...

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On Asking (Part 2) Jun 30, 2018

It was a grey Saturday afternoon many years ago.

I was in San Jose, California, standing outside a gas station talking to a woman as she pumped gas into her SUV. After introducing myself, I asked...

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3 Steps for Creating Client Connection Jun 30, 2018
It’s time to write your monthly ezine article and you don’t know what to write about.


Believe me, I’ve been there! I know this place well.

Yet the good news?

There are...

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Unleash Your Magnetic Mojo Jun 30, 2018
Picture this…

You’re working on copy for your upcoming launch.

You’re holed up in your office, curled over your computer.

You’re alternating...

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